A Perfect Love

IMG_0036 IMG_0044 IMG_1928IMG_0045Ok so first off I wanted to tell you guys that a few weeks ago we had try-outs for a choir group (out of all the missionaries) that will be performing for a Christmas program in Viña del mar. And guess what?? Out of the whole mission, 24 missionaries got accepted and I’m one of them! I’ll send you the letter and you can translate it on Google. I’m pretty flippin stoked! Ha-ha

Anyways, to continue we had an amazing week! After being with Elder Ethington for 6 weeks with his sickness dealio, we finally have been able to work a lot. And I gotta say, my feet hurt!! And it’s awesome!!!! Ha-ha, we have been walking a lot any doing lots of contacts. This week we gave out 8 Books of Mormon and in one day we gave out 4. It’s been really great to see how just a warm smile and kind words really make the people interested in what we have to share. Cuz people come to the door kind of sad or they say “what do you want?” and when I put a smile on my face and start sharing, they begin to turn that frown upside down. It’s been really great to share with lots of people.  I hope that all these people that we gave books out to really have a desire to know more and that we can find them and teach them! Can you pray for them? That would help lots.

One day as we were leaving the pension (right after Elder Ethington had left) I offered the prayer and I swear Mom, I had never felt that much love from someone in my entire life. It was a feeling that I will never be able to describe and I guess if I had to say two words about how I felt it would be perfect love. I know that in our trials, if we come unto our maker in fervent prayer, He will show us His love and give us the strength we need in that moment.

Well to end my letter I wanted to give a little shout out to Kellin and tell him that he is such an amazing example to me and that I’m super excited to have him out in field with me. I know that he will do amazing things and change the lives of many. Tell him to take a big journal and lots of church music with him.  I’m sure they will have him do it, but make him write his testimony down on paper and put it in an envelope to open when he’s done with his mission. And also I still have a few more points left of the 101 things I’ve learned here in the mission, but when I’m down ill send it off to him! Tell him that I love him a flippin ton and to write me! Ha-ha. He’s one amazing stud and I know that he loves our Savior and wants to do the Lords will always.

Well mommy we will talk next week on how you feel after he leaves 😉 ha-ha, don’t worry I’ll be there to dry those tears!!

Love ya mom and tell the FAM the same for me!!

Les amo,                                                                                                                                                                            Elder Pedersen

Letter from President Diaz:

Elder Pedersen,

Nos hace muy feliz, anunciarle que usted ha sido aceptado para participar del coro de navidad en la Misión Chile Viña del Mar. Le felicitamos por su talento, sabemos que es una bendición del Señor. Le animamos a continuar desarrollando todos los talentos que el Señor le ha dado.

Prepárese para tener una experiencia especial y única, al cantar en el devocional de navidad en la ciudad de Viña del Mar, donde asistirán no sólo miembros de nuestra iglesia, si no personas de nuestra comunidad no miembros, y será una maravillosa oportunidad de dar a conocer la iglesia. Recordemos que estamos sirviendo al Señor en nuestro esfuerzo por prepararnos.

Ya que no es fácil preparar a un grupo así de misioneros, esté atento a cualquier anuncio de reuniones del coro o prácticas que tendremos. Esté paciente y abierto a cualquier inconveniencia que tendrá al prepararse con nosotros (viajes y/o intercambios).

Es muy importante que esté sensible a los demás misioneros que a lo mejor querían ser miembros del coro, sea un ejemplo de Jesucristo y muestre su respeto y amor a ellos.

Le deseamos éxito y bendiciones al servir de esta manera.                                                                                                     Con mucho amor.

Raúl Antonio Díaz Navarro                                                                                                                                        Presidente misión Chile Viña del Mar

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